Monday, February 16, 2009

Golf Tournament Meeting February 16, 2009

Attending: Bishop Tom, Rusty League, Jerry Janecka, Rudy Escamilla, Mike Nishimuta, Sam Szalwinski, Henry Gonzales.

Opened with a prayer by Bishop Tom.

We are booked at the Hyatt for the 8:30 tee off on May 11.
Rusty is negotiating to get the minimum headcount lowered from 140.
Rusty hopes we can get 120 golfers.
We are in the first of a two-year contract with Hyatt. It doesn’t look like we can break that two-year commitment.

He also has a contact name at NuStar and is attempting contact.

Jim Wade has contacted Rusty at North Park, and is also attempting to get a bank to sponsor.

Rusty has 100 copies of a letter signed by the Bishop which he will have at the Chapter Meeting. Mike took one copy to scan and post on the website.

Rudy reports Catholic Cemeteries will sponsor at the $2500 level.

Rudy was promoting the Religious dinner in Helotes, and made contact with someone who has a contact at the Spurs. He requested some signed items.

Rusty states he has a contact with a Beer Distributor – hopefully we can get it donated.

Rusty still needs to contact the Outback.

The Hyatt will provide breakfast, as we are required to purchase one meal from them. (In order to allow Outback to cater).

We need to decide what the Insurance agents can provide. We discussed possibly having them provide coffee, snacks, fruit, granola bars, mid-morning.

Discussed if we should have the lunch in the grassy area or back in the pavilion. Since there will be more golfers arriving during our lunch, perhaps pavilion would be better.

Sam just saved us $2,000. The cost of a house is still $51K, not $53K.

Silent auction coordinated by Jerry Janecka and Ray Neumann. Still looking at under 10 items.

Correction to the flyer – we’ve raised over $500K.

We apologize for anyone who couldn't find the meeting tonight - the normal room was closed.

The next meeting will be on Monday, March 2 at 7 pm at Oblate.

Respectfully submitted by Mike Nishimuta

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