Thursday, October 15, 2009

Golf Tournament for 2010

The Golf Tournament for 2010 will be held at the Hyatt Regency Resort on Monday, April 12, 2010, with an 8 am shotgun start. Please join us in the planning meetings for the tournament. The next meeting will be Monday, November 9, at 7 pm, at the meeting room in Oblate where Bishop Tom Flanagan resides.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Golf Tournament Meeting February 16, 2009

Attending: Bishop Tom, Rusty League, Jerry Janecka, Rudy Escamilla, Mike Nishimuta, Sam Szalwinski, Henry Gonzales.

Opened with a prayer by Bishop Tom.

We are booked at the Hyatt for the 8:30 tee off on May 11.
Rusty is negotiating to get the minimum headcount lowered from 140.
Rusty hopes we can get 120 golfers.
We are in the first of a two-year contract with Hyatt. It doesn’t look like we can break that two-year commitment.

He also has a contact name at NuStar and is attempting contact.

Jim Wade has contacted Rusty at North Park, and is also attempting to get a bank to sponsor.

Rusty has 100 copies of a letter signed by the Bishop which he will have at the Chapter Meeting. Mike took one copy to scan and post on the website.

Rudy reports Catholic Cemeteries will sponsor at the $2500 level.

Rudy was promoting the Religious dinner in Helotes, and made contact with someone who has a contact at the Spurs. He requested some signed items.

Rusty states he has a contact with a Beer Distributor – hopefully we can get it donated.

Rusty still needs to contact the Outback.

The Hyatt will provide breakfast, as we are required to purchase one meal from them. (In order to allow Outback to cater).

We need to decide what the Insurance agents can provide. We discussed possibly having them provide coffee, snacks, fruit, granola bars, mid-morning.

Discussed if we should have the lunch in the grassy area or back in the pavilion. Since there will be more golfers arriving during our lunch, perhaps pavilion would be better.

Sam just saved us $2,000. The cost of a house is still $51K, not $53K.

Silent auction coordinated by Jerry Janecka and Ray Neumann. Still looking at under 10 items.

Correction to the flyer – we’ve raised over $500K.

We apologize for anyone who couldn't find the meeting tonight - the normal room was closed.

The next meeting will be on Monday, March 2 at 7 pm at Oblate.

Respectfully submitted by Mike Nishimuta

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Golf Tournament Meeting Minutes Feb 2, 2009



February 2, 2009

Meeting opened with prayer by Deacon George Vick @ 7:00 p.m.
Welcome new committee member brother Joel Galazar.

Rusty League handed our Financial report showing ending balance of $1233.43 a/o 1/17/09. Treasurer Mike Nishimuta reported receiving two $1,000 checks from Sam’s Club…one check to replace an incorrect check for 2008. A second check is for 2009. Both checks were payable to Habitat and have been sent to them as credit to our $53,000 commitment.

Rusty has been approached by the Hyatt Hill Country resort with a request to consider moving our date OR time for our event. In conversation and email correspondence with the Sales Manager at Hyatt and we have choices…first, stay on May 11 and tee off at 8:00 a.m.; second change day and date to Friday May 15 or Friday May 22. The reason for the request comes from a conflict with another group who started as about 30 golfers and has grown to 130 golfers because of a business merger. Rusty made it clear that we do not have to change but have been approached to consider it. After individual input from each committee member it was agreed that the preference would be to keep the date and tee off earlier…at 8:00 a.m. Rusty will communicate that choice, BUT will also ask for some compensation consideration for being put in the position of change. Suggestions were made to ask for a cessation of the current contract (we have a year to go) and be allowed to negotiate for next year. Also, we should ask for a reduced player count commitment from 144 to 120. Those requests will be communicated to the Hyatt.

Rusty reported that he and John McNair have been in touch about projections for his contractors and suppliers…John felt that there could be anywhere from a 25% to 49% shrinkage because of the economy and the affect it has had on the home building industry. He has asked for the Bishop’s annual invitation letter. Rusty will have the letter ready Tuesday and Henry will take them to Bishop Tom for his signature. We must all be aware that sponsorships will be harder to get in 2009 and that the committee cannot expect for the previous sponsors to all keep supporting in hard economic times…NEW sponsors must be sought out. Rusty asked for a commitment form each committee member to call a NEW potential sponsor and report back on February 16th, our next meeting date.

A brief discussion about a co-chair to assist Rusty was brought up and the committee agreed that he could use some help…names will be considered. Rusty reminded all present that we are not officially a 501 3 (c) charitable organization…so if a donor or sponsor wants to give funds that would be tax deductible then they should write their checks to Habitat for Humanity and we will present them to Habitat for credit to our committed dollar target.

Roy Ball briefly covered Religious Appreciation progress and the meeting was adjourned in prayer at 8:30 p.m. Next meeting will be February 16, 2009…in the Oblate Renewal Center Library starting at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Henry Gonzalez

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Golf Planning Meeting Feb 2


The next meeting of the golf planning committee for the May 2009 Tournament will be February 2, at 7 pm at the Oblate Renewal Center. Please come and bring a fellow Knight to help plan our 10th tournament.

Rusty League