Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Minutes of Golf Planning Oct 13

Golf Tournament Planning Meeting, Oct 13 2008
Oblate Retreat Center

Attending: Bishop Tom Flanagan, Rusty League, Henry Gonzales, Sam Szalwinski, Jerry Janecka, Mike Nishimuta, Bob Von Lehmden, Ray Neumann, Mike Boucher, Nello Rosania, Mike Urrutia,

Opening Prayer

Rusty recapped the Spring tournament and auction party. We came up short, but due to an anonymous donor we made our $51,000 committment. We had a small meeting in August and discussed the lessons learned. We made a decision to dispense with the Gala, and the Golf Tournament is scheduled for May.

We are now looking for names of businesses that can provide a sponsorship or a team. Rusty would like each of you to give me the names of three businesses we can contact in your name, and he will send out a letter.

Rusty is working to contact NuStar Energy, a branch of Valero. They sponsored for the Acts Retreat tournament and he thinks they would support this tournament.

The cost of the house in 2009 is an unknown. It could possibly be $53,000. Habitat already subsidizes the cost of the house, so with increasing prices, they may choose to increase their subsidy rather than increase the cost to the sponsors.

Rusty will take care of the golfer gift.

The committee needs a volunteer secretary to atttend the meeting and takes notes.

Mike Nishimuta will continue as the Treasurer.

Nello volunteered to head up the volunteer committee. They will arrive early, stay late, fill goody bags, set up registration, conduct registration, sell mulligans, spot the hole-in one holes, longest drive, etc.

We have already purchased some St Andrews Golf Course logo hats. Rusty is using them as promotional items to use when soliciting sponsors.

An audit of the bank account was conducted by Henry Gonazales, Roy Ball, and Mike Boucher. We currently have $697.20 in the bank. Mike will suggest a budget to the committee.

We need giveaway items for the awards dinner. Looking for about 15 gifts such as dinner coupons, etc.

We'd like to conduct a silent auction at the golf tournament itself. About 15 items in the $100 to $500 range.
Ray Neumann and Jerry Janecka agreed to chair. We want to set up the silent auction so it is seen as the golfers come in to register and have lunch.

Sam will take responsibility to ask the Councils to participate, through the work of the District Deputies.

Mike will give Sam a list of the Councils that supported the Golf tournament and auction last year.

Bishop Cantu would like to play in the tournament. Rusty needs to get it on his calendar.

Advertising. This is the 10th anniversary of the tournament. Need to work with KTSA for weekly spots in March. Henry will ask if KLUV is accepting advertising.

Rusty, ask Dean if he will coordinate the Golfer pairings as he did last time.

The next meeting will be the first Monday in December, the 7th at Oblate.

Report on construction of the house.
Good support from the Districts and Councils. Our house is on schedule, and will be the first of this group of 17 to be finished. Landscaping day is ??

Need 10 people for this Friday and Saturday (17-18 Oct).
Dedication is Nov 8.
The Chapter will purchase a $100 gift card from HEB and the Golf Tournament will provide a $100 gift card from Target.

Mike Nishimuta

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