Monday, October 6, 2008

Golf Tournament Planning Meeting Oct 13

Brother Knights...Next Monday Oct 13, at the Oblate Conference & Retreat Center, 7 P.M. (off Blanco Rd. just north of Oblate Dr., right hand side if you are headed north). We will review our 2008 efforts, report on things needed, and plan and assign committee's where needed.

Please bring a list of 3 companies that you personally know, who you believe would contribute something to our efforts...a team of 4, a sign sponsorship, a raffle item. Just 3 companies...We will send these folks a letter under YOUR signature as a committee chairperson and ask for their help.

Please approach new members to your council, new brother Knights who might be interested in this event. New faces = new ideas and new sources.

The meeting room we will use will be posted at the reception desk as you enter the Conference & Retreat Center.

Please RSVP this blog post so I know you have read the blog.

See you next Monday! Pray the Rosary!

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